Over the years Rob's dinner table stories have included a historic Scottish tale he learned after a visit to the Isle of Seil on the west coast of Scotland. Rob takes us back to a time not long after Scotland ceded political control to, what had previously been, the Parliament of England.
Following the Jacobite rebellion in 1745, a law was passed in the renamed Parliament of Great Britain, outlawing the wearing of kilts on Scotland's mainland. Failure to comply resulted in a custodial sentence for a first offence, and for repeated offences, deportation to the colonies to work on His Majesty's plantations.
Now connecting the Isle of Seil to the Scottish mainland south of Oban is the distinct stone bridge (playfully known as the Bridge over the Atlantic) with an old Inn near by Tigh na Truish (The Hoose o’ Troosers). The tale tells of how Islanders would cross Clachan Sound waterway and change their attire from their kilt into the legally compliant trousers, and back again.
It is this history that Rob sought as the inspiration for his latest painting. Wanting to highlight this aspect of cultural oppression, Rob endeavoured to imagine how the modern scene may look, bringing his trademark and heartfelt joy with his eye for colour to an-otherwise dark tale, placing the rules within a modern context and being playful with the interactions that may unfold.

As with many of Rob's large paintings, he finds some relief from a lengthy project by taking timeout to explore and complete a smaller original piece. In this instance Rob conjured Tea for Two. Inspired by the interaction at the tables in Rob's larger painting The Hoose o' Troosers, Rob wanted to consider a more intimate experience of a couple enjoying the splendour and shared appreciation for the calm countryside surroundings.

Those interested in the original of House o' Troosers by artist Rob Hain, can request further details via https://www.robhain.com/contact
Tea for Two is available to buy within the LibertyTree Gallery